Veteran Actress Binta Ayo Mogaji has taken to social media to inform her fans that her only son, Fareed Ademide fathered by her former lover, a successful actor, Jibola Dabo is among those who bagged a Bachelor’s Degree at Lead City University Convocation 2024.
Mogaji while publicly celebrating her son said, “I give glory to God for experiencing my only son’s graduation at Lead City University Convocation 2024’ -Actress Binta Ayo Mogaji rejoices. I thank God for making me witness my only son’s graduation.”
Mogaji shared photos of herself and Jibola Dabo at their son’s convocation via her verified social media handle, as she gave glory to Almighty God for the achievement of her dear son.
She thanked those who showed up for the celebration and her ex for their numerous support towards the success of her son.