The Apostolic Faith Church worldwide has identified the reason behind the United Nations’ failure to bring peace to the world saying that the world organization would continue to fail in its mission until it realizes it is only Jesus that can give the peace.
Speaking at the 2024 Camp Meeting of the West and Central Africa (WECA) of The Apostolic Faith, the Superintendent General of the Church, Rev Olusola Adesope said, “I can say the world is looking for peace but they don’t want to do anything with the prince of peace. This is the reason why peace has eluded this world. We have the United Nations (UN) trying so hard to bring peace to this world but it tries as it could, it has left out Jesus, the prince of peace. No wonder we do not have peace in this world.’
Adesope, who spoke on “Evidence and Fruits of Salvation” noted that the world should look for Jesus, the saviour if it wants peace, stressing that no matter how the world tried, there will never be peace without the world accepting Jesus, the prince of peace.

He pointed out that Apostolic Faith is not a prosperity or bread and butter church but a church that is dogmatically committed to the concepts of salvation, sanctification and baptism of the Holy Spirit.
He said, “That is why we keep the doctrine of salvation because the greatest man’s problem is sin. We don’t want the church to turn to bread and butter church, we don’t want our church to turn to the prosperity gospel, we don’t want this gospel to turn to “just come”, the Lord will give you bread, the Lord will give you food, the Lord will give you water, the Lord will give you all of those but the bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all other things will be added. That is why in this church we teach salvation from sin.”
According to him, salvation, which has the synonyms of justification, conversion, redemption, regeneration, and new birth is defined as, “The act of God’s grace by which sinners receive forgiveness for their sins and stand before God as though they have never committed those sins.”
Debunking that salvation is not a deliverance from the accident but a deliverance from something worse than a motor accident. And a deliverance from sin.
He affirmed that disobedience against God is a sin and “it is only salvation through Christ that can deliver anyone from sin.”
He emphasized, “Sin is very dangerous and poisonous. Sin will destroy people’s lives and make you go further than you can go. Salvation will deliver us from sin. Man’s greatest problem is sin but God’s greatest solution is salvation.”
Adesope pointed out that the world does not need technocrats or entertainers, but a saviour saying, “The sole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to be a saviour to deliver us from sin; to save us from sin. Man’s greatest problem is sin, but God’s greatest solution is salvation. “If a man’s greatest need is information, God would have sent us an educator; if man’s greatest need is technology, God would have sent us a technologist, or researcher or a scientist; if man’s greatest problem is money. God would have sent us a banker; if man’s greatest need is pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer; if man’s greatest problem is silkiness; He would have sent us a doctor; since man’s greatest protest is the forgiveness of sin, God sent a saviour. God sent his only begotten son to save us from sin.”