In what can be described as a leap of faith, the Apostolic Faith Church in the West and Central African region members gathered today at Igbesa Faith City Camp Ground in Ogun State to commence the 2024 Camp Meeting in the main dome of its tabernacle where worked commenced in March, 2024.
The WECA Camp Meeting, which also marks its 80th anniversary, will be held between Sunday, August 11 and 25, 2024. Earlier, the church held the Ministers and Workers Meeting on Friday, August 9, 2024.
Opening the service, the WECA District Superintendent, Rev. Isaac Adigun, said that the service was to be of praise to God and to return the glory and honour to His name, and he urged every member to stand and say “Thank you, God”.

Rev Isaac Adigun speaking
He noted that there is a special reason to praise God because the church petitioned Him to do something specific and it was a great miracle that they were able to sit in that tabernacle today considering the economic situation and security situation of the country.
Adigun said “This was a project entirely on the wings of faith and God honoured the faith of all His children. And we can tell you this has nothing to do with anybody, but God alone”. He continued: “We have the testimony for you, that this great work that God did, we did not borrow penny, we did not solicit for funds, whether within or outside. But God Himself who owns silver and gold of the whole world, He was the one telling people, within the country, outside the country, everywhere, My house is under construction, you need to do something about it”.
He proclaimed that God is providing and the work is not going to stop until completion. He noted that within the five months that worked commenced, there was no single accident. He praised God for what He is doing, moving beyond his own faith. He appreciated all the ministers, workers and every member of the church for all they have been doing concerning God’s work.

The Tabernacle
Delivering the sermon titled “The Power of Praise” and guided by Psalm 150, the Superintendent General of Church Worldwide, Reverend Olusola Adesope, noted that when he was growing up, he and others marveled at how the leaders of the church were able to construct the tabernacle of the church in Anthony Village, Lagos in the 1970s. They wished and praised that such a miracle will happen in their own generation too. He congratulated the members of the church for witnessing this miracle of sitting under that tabernacle today, noting that it is currently the biggest of the Apostolic Faith Church tabernacle in the whole world.

Rev Adesope ministering
Adesope noted that today is a day of thanksgiving, praying that God will use this tabernacle to spark a renewed fire, and to spark a great revival in the whole world. He pointed out that though Psalm 150 has only six verses, praise is mentioned 13 times, urging the members of the church to always praise God. He gave instances in the Bible when the children of God praised God and miracles happened. “When you praise God, He will do miracles. He will grant you victory, save your soul, sanctify you and fill you will the Holy Spirit. He will bless you”, he declared.