The District Superintendent of The Apostolic Faith in charge of West and Central Africa (WECA), Rev Isaac Adigun, on Sunday, August 25, 2024, revealed that 18, 362 blessings in various forms were documented during the camp meeting, including the birth of a new baby.
Adigun revealed this today during a devotional service.
Breaking it down, Adigun stated that 3,941 people, and 1,966 people were saved and sanctified respectively and 912 people were filled with the baptism of Holy Ghost.

He added that 5,026 people were healed, 3, 745 people were re-anointed, and 2,772 people experienced other numerous blessings.
Delivering sermon on Repair the Broken Altar and guided by 1 King 18: 36-39, he highlighted altars to be repaired in the individual life.
According to him, fire of God will not fall on the unrepaired and broken.
He listed things that will naturally and divinely prevent the fire of God to fall to include murmuring, complaining in our hearts, hypocrisy, striving fighting, gossiping, backbiting, lies, covering up, owing God, unfaithfulness in marital relationship, unbridling of tongues, wickedness, unpaid vows, love of money, subtle pride, insubordination, contention, offering of uncostly sacrifices, failure of restitution to spouses, parents, children, church, employer, employee cheating employer and failure of the employer to pay salaries, failure of the husband and wife to see eye to eye, the love of the world, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, one neither hot nor cold, deceit, using worldly wisdom to do things, cunny, holier than thou attitude, I can do it better fallacy, evil imagination, and sowing of discord.
He lamented, “We have altar today. Many of our homes, many areas where we suppose to make to be altar of God, more especially, in many homes are now places to eat, to sleep, to shower, and to entertain ourselves, but when it comes to the worship of God, our technology has become our altar.”
“Our homes have shattered stones, and perhaps no wonder many homes are scattered, perhaps no wonder many lives are shattered, even though they may be coming to church every Sunday, during the course of the week, crying to the Lord every time, and they may be wondering why there is no answer, because the altar is in the state of disrepair”, he added.