Cambridge has altered the traditional definition of the words “Man” and “Woman” formerly influenced by the sex a person was born to accommodate same-sex marriage thereby obliterating the differential definitions of human sexes.
Christopher Rufo, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute tweeted, “Cambridge Dictionary just dropped a new definition of “woman”.
The alteration of the definitions now include who identify as a gender other than their biological sex.

Cambridge now redefines a woman to be “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex birth”, contrary to the traditional definition of male which states “an adult male human.”
Cambridge also defines a man as “a male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth”, contrary to the traditional definition which says, “an adult female human.”
According to Rufo, the dictionary used the pronoun “they” to describe the subject rather than she. Notice that the dictionary writers sat “they” may have been.” They couldn’t bring themselves to write ‘she may have been, because they know they’re lying. That’s the tell,”, he tweeted.
Steven Crowder also announced, “The Cambridge Dictionary just changed the definition of “woman.” Remember, if you can control the language, you can control the population.”
However, the change in the definitions is now generating controversies. For instance, Leon Skum and Tyler Stokes engage in a hot argument over the development.
While Skum said, “The Cambridge dictionary did not change the definition. They updated it in print to reflect how it is understood in the modern day, Stokes replied, “What is it with you people and your double speak? “Updated it in print to reflect how it is understood in the modern day.” So they changed the definition. Literally, they changed it.”
Others who have spoken on this on the social media states:
Alex @alex_kuron: Steven finds out the definitions of words change because their meanings change.
suedearaid@suEdearaid Replying to @alex_kuron and @scrowder Definitions don’t change within such a small time period. This a small group of people actively insisting on changing the definition, while the remainder of the society disagrees. Not the same
Cory Hawkins@DrCoryDC Replying to @scrowder Isn’t that in the communist playbook. Change the definition of words to make their ideology sound better.
MJ@milliejwrites Replying to @scrowder I do not accept their changed definition. I refuse to comply.