International Day of Girl Child was declared by the United Nations to amplify the voices of young girls around the world and increase awareness of issues faced by them. According to the United Nations, achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment is an integral part. The International Day of the girls is celebrated annually on October 11.
History of International Day of Girl Child 2021:
In 1995, at the World Conference on Women in Beijing, the need for an event focused on young and vulnerable girls was identified. The initiative began as a non-government international plan of action to address the challenge faced by young women. A resolution to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girls Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 19, 2011.
Significance of International Day of Girl Child 2021:
Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and it is crucial to accelerate their development. The world needs to pledge to empower young girls and women and give them proper healthcare, skill-based learning facilities and equal opportunities and a world free from gender-based violence and discrimination.
The theme of International Day of Girl Child 2021:
It is celebrated for empowering and amplifying the voices of young girls around the world. The theme for International Day of the Girl Child 2021 is “Digital generation. Our generation”. This theme is a call for equal access to the internet for girls as well as digital devices. It also supports targeted investments to facilitate opportunities for girls to safely and meaningfully access, use, design and lead technology.
Celebration for International Day of Girl Child 2021:
The reason behind the celebration of International Day of the Girl Child is to give proper education, healthcare, learning, opportunities to young girls and women. They should be safe from gender-biased violence and discrimination. According to the United Nations, girls are more likely to be cut off, pointing to a gender divide within the digital divide. It was also stated that girls are less likely than boys to be given devices, which affects their numbers in tech-related skills and jobs.