Mr Adebayo Okunade, as he then was, joined the University of Ibadan as a member of the academic staff on 1st March 1982. Now retiring as a Professor in March 2025, he had put in 43 years of quality service to the Nigerian University System, the last 26 years as a Professor. This is worthy of celebration.
He holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Political Science from the University of Ibadan and a Master of Law from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom.
Professor Adebayo (Bayo) Okunade has been a great and worthy colleague based at the Department of Political Science University of Ibadan. He had joined the Faculty several years before me and it is gratifying that we have enjoyed a very cordial relationship.
As part of community service which is mandatory for all members of the academic staff of the institution, he was at different times, the Head, Department of Political Science, Director Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies as well as a two-term Director of the Distance Learning Centre.
Himself and Professor Ezekiel Ayoola first won election in a very keen contest to represent the Senate of the University of Ibadan on the Governing Council of the University in January 2011 to serve an unexpired term when two members of the Council were appointed Vice-Chancellor (Professor Isaac Adewole) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (Idowu Olayinka), respectively. They were later re-elected in July of that year for a full term and re-elected four years later. It is much easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for any scholar in UI to succeed in a University wide campaign and election into the Council on three different occasions like Professors Okunade and Ayoola. This came close to a record and amply demonstrated the high regards and confidence the members of the Senate had in their ability and capability, and the love our colleagues have for the duo.
I have enjoyed very good working relationships with Professor Adebayo Okunade on different organs of the University and it was the Council on which he served as an influential member that appointed me the 12th Vice-Chancellor of the institution in September 2015. I can never forget.
Beyond official callings we have interacted on the social level on many occasions, including but not limited to the privilege extended to me to serve as Chairman at the wedding reception of his daughter in the United Kingdom during the Spring of 2015.
As you attain the retirement age of 70 years today, 12th Maarch 2025, we wish you good health, sustained prosperity, joy and peace of mind. Hearty congratulations and we equally rejoice with your wife, children and grandchildren. It has been a blessing to me that our paths crossed. I wish you well. God bless.
Olayinka is the 12th Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan and the Pro-Chancellor and Governing Council Chairman of West Midlands Open University.