Gbenro Adesina
Monday, November 1, 2021, is a day that scholars, administrators and stakeholders, clad in beautiful attires, ranging from “Agbada”, “Babariga, senator’s dress and executive suits to attend the inaugural service of the 13th Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan (UI), Professor Kayode Oyebode Adebowale. The event was held at the institution’s Chapel of Resurrection. Prior to the commencement of the service, attendees were seen throwing banters, hugging and taking turns to pay homage to the new VC, who, in the next five years, will determine the destiny of the Premier University, as well as destinies of the staff. To some, Adebowale stood on his feet to greet, to some, he greets on his sit, to some it was a casual response to their homage, while he responded with all the enthusiasm and elation to some. It was a moment of both laughter and sombre reflection.

Adebowale, the new bride of the University, sat in the first row in the church and was later joined by the outgone acting VC, Professor Adebola Ekanola of the Department of Philosophy. Many wonder, why he was not surrounded by his wife and children just like his predecessors. Adebowale, who was the cynosure of everyone’s eyes could not hide his emotion while rendering the chorus of the processional hymn, “Blessed assurance-Jesus is mine”. At the end of the programme, efforts of newsmen to have a chat with him proved abortive, as he evaded them. Adebowale does not like relating with the media.
Though, the event was a normal ritual meant to identify with the new VC and dance during the thanksgiving, to the Very Rev. Dr. Olufikayo Kunle Oyelade, it was a serious occasion that must be explored to speak the truth to the authority and stakeholders. In his Sermon hinged on 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, titled, “By Strength Shall No Man Prevail”, Oyelade described how the nation’s Premier University, ascribed to be the 1st and the best, fell from its Olympian heights. He said, “University of Ibadan as we have always described it, is supposed to be the 1st and the best; it is the pioneer University in Nigeria and the Standard bearer of Nigeria’s ivory tower. It seems to me that in recent times, UI has changed its status from what it used to be; our vision “to be a world-class institution for academic excellence geared towards meeting societal needs” has given way to something else. It has been difficult in recent times to provide excellent conditions for learning and research, by which frontiers of knowledge could be expanded. Our mission of producing graduates who are worthy in character and sound judgement is becoming more difficult on daily basis. Contributing to the transformation of society through creativity and innovation is not being realised”.

Oyelade, a sociologist further stated, “With what we hear and read on social media in recent times, you will agree with me that we have sold ourselves to the outside world and exposed ourselves that we are not the custodian of society’s salutary values that our founding fathers wanted us to be, in fact, we are like one without integrity…University of Ibadan needs revival, and I know that time of revival has come, University of Ibadan will come alive again, and all of us will rejoice at its rejuvenation. God has chosen you as our revivalist for the next five years, and He has a reason for doing that”.
The clergyman noted that the new VC is God’s chosen to paddle the canoe of this University for another five years, urging the new VC to make his contributions towards achieving the aim of the founding fathers of the institution.
He stated, “You are the 13th VC appointed today, as you have once rightly mentioned, it is not because you are the best of all; it is by the grace and mercy of God. Let me add this; it is because you are the one God has chosen”.
Directing his speech to the VC, he said, “If you recall your encounter and experience before becoming the VC, especially that you are still alive today, or that God has overcome for you what the Yoruba may want to describe as “Ogun Arogobogoje”, you may want to praise the Lord, and sing like Hannah in 1 Sam 2: 1… This becomes more relevant if you remember you could have been mobbed to death in the course of the struggle. On the other way, anger may want to rise from within you, with a feeling that you have become an overcomer, and think in the words of Luke 19:27… Sir, we are all human beings, if that thought has not come as you are seated, believe you me, it will come one day…but let me remind you in the spirit of inauguration that God has only revealed Himself in all the process as the Almighty…”

In 1 Sam. 2:6 – Annah says, “The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up. 7: The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. 8: He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, To set them among princes And make them inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s And He has set the world upon them. 9: He will guard the feet of his Saints, But the wicked shall be silent in darkness…”
Admonishing the Vice Chancellor to trust in God in all his ways, he told him that he could not do anything by his strength.
“My Vice Chancellor Sir, The aspect that catches my attention most is the last part of vs 9, “For by strength no man shall prevail. How does it occur to me? By Strength has no man prevailed, and by Strength shall no man prevail”.

He urged the VC not to pay evil with evil, rather to pay evil with good saying, “Please, see less of enemies but device strategies, and make deliberate efforts to please God”.
Oyelade, who urged the VC to use his office to serve God and humanity said, “ Be reminded that the day of reckoning will come when you will give an account of your stewardship… Mr Vice Chancellor, Sir, your five year tenure of office begins today…it will end one day”.
Speaking on Christian leadership, he said, “We are expected to model our lifestyles and policies after biblical injunctions. It is unfortunate that many of us today are like Nigerian politicians”.

He condemned the desperation in which members of the academia seek positions stressing, “We seek positions by all means, and we want to be recognized and projected for whatever little good we do. Dignity of labour is no more in the diary of many. Integrity and trust are far away from many of us…We live like chameleons, because we want to be friends with everybody. Unfortunately, our love for the world has grown to the extent that it is very difficult to project the truth”.
Continuing, “Consciously or unconsciously, we become friends with the world but enemies of God. We try “to show off” and display “eye service”, or sycophancy. Many of us refuse to take godly positions in the scheme of things. We live a life of deceit/insecurity, and hypocrisy. Just because we want to protect and retain world positions, we work only for our belly, at the expense of the heavenly reward. We desist from saying the truth, forgetting that “a boss may give position but only God gives the blessing? – “Ipo loga n pin, Olorun nii pin Alubarika”. Listen, it is a moral digression and spiritual deviation to hide the truth, to sit on the fence, to seek human approval, and see men-pleasing as personal priority. Every Christian public servant is an ambassador of Christ, and Christlikeness must reflect in all we do”.
To those who contested for the exalted position of Vice Chancellor and lost out to the new VC, the Very Reverend noted that they lost out not because they were not qualified for the position but the position is meant for only one person, adding, “God has a purpose and a different plan for your life”.

He urged all the stakeholders in the university to allow peace to reign, reiterating, “Let us allow peace to reign”.
He equally warned against religious and ethnic biases pointing out, “Let us put away sectionalism and tribalism. Ethnicity and religious sentiment, against righteousness can only be a clog in the wheel of development of this University”.
In his speech, the new VC promised to run an administration that is God-fearing.
Adebowale said, “What I am saying is a covenant with God. By the special grace of God, we will run an administration that is God-fearing, an administration that seeks service and pursues the welfare of everyone, not minding their ethnicity, faith, and creed. Only a fair administration, even, and just in leading people can bring glory to God’s name”.

He highlighted three reasons why the occasion was not a mere ritual or a flimsy event.
According to him, “First, it is our way of saying despite all that we know; despite all our publications, human networks, experience in administration and much more that we may have, we reverence God as the Alpha – that is the Beginning – and the Omega that is the End. And if He is the Beginning, then it is apposite that tenure like mine should begin in His presence. We are nothing, I am nothing, absolutely nothing, without Him.”.
“Ours is a community of scientists where science is exalted sometimes above other things. Yet, the more science we know, the deeper our thirst for God often becomes. The late Emeritus Professor of History, Prof. Ade Ajayi once said that a good historian whose heart is truly committed to history cannot but be a Christian believer. More and more scientists – from evolutionists to chaos theorists – are beginning to see God where scientific explanations terminate.”.
“Second, it is our way of giving thanks to Him. We stand here today because He decreed it. A year or more ago, and, until the late hours of 14 October, 2021, no one could have said he or she knew with any certainty that this day would come to pass. He opens the door and no one closes it; He closes the door and no one opens it. To Him alone be all glory.”.

“Third, this is our opportunity to ask Him and all His people here present to please go with us. Moses told Him, “if your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here” and He agreed to go with Moses into the Promised Land. I wish to appeal to Him and you all afresh for continued support in prayers and other forms. Please, go with me – to the Promised Land – in your prayers and other forms of support.”
In attendance were the 12th Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Abel Idowu Olayinka, Immediate past Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Adebola Babatunde Ekanola; Registrar, Mrs. Olubunmi Faluyi; University Librarian, Dr. Helen Komolafe-Opadeji, Provost, College of Medicine, Prof. Olayinka Omigbodun; members of the UI’s Governing Council: Prof. Olawale Ogunkola, Prof. Oluyemisi Bamgbose, Prof. Elsie Adewoye, Mr. Taiwo Semowo; Prof. ‘Deji Omole, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Prof. Olusegun Ajiboye, Registrar and Chief Executive, Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) and Professor Ayo Kehinde of the Department of English.